Saturday night marked the end of week one of Folklorama. The Japanese Pavilion closed the week with spectacular crowds and another tremendous stage show. With the long hours and many personal sacrifices volunteers endured, the hard work paid dividends as the Pavilion was another overwhelming success!
Hinode Taiko completed the final show of the evening with an arousing display of intensity despite performing every show, every night this year, as well as past years.
Judo featured 2 pairs of combatants, and kept the crowd guessing on whether they would end up on the hard floor in front of the stage. Many of the flips and bodyslams convinced the guests seated up front, that this wasn't fake.
Shayna sang beautifully again and the Aurora Dancers were as stunning as ever. All good shows should have colourful visuals (Aurora/Kaede Dancers), sweet music (Shayna/Brent), violence (Judo/Kendo) and sounds you feel thumping in your chest (Taiko). With closing and opening night M.C. duties, Keiko Saito-Hanssen did a graceful job provided much background to the pieces performed and some facts about the Winnipeg Japanese-Canadian community.
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