Is this the real deal? I've been skeptical all these years whenever there are rumours the NHL will return, so I have been proceeding with caution and not getting my hopes too high. This is definitely the closest we have come since the team left and according to many reliable sources the deal is all but done and that there are only a few loose ends before making their official announcement. I have to admit I'm excited, I've always felt Winnipeg lost some degree of cred when we lost our team and though the Moose have been very entertaining, competitive and affordable, nothing beats the caliber of the NHL. Whenever I travel to another city that has a NHL team, I make every effort I can to see a game. In the last few weeks I have had some mixed feelings because I know I won't be able to afford to go to many games. With the Moose, I have a mini-pack which entitles me to about 11 games a year (including the home opener), but with the higher level of play and higher salaries of the NHL, I'll be lucky to go to 2 or 3 games a year and instead of affordable entertainment, tickets to a NHL game will be a luxury item. My seats are currently the least expensive seats in the lower bowl, but with the NHL the whole lower bowl will be filled with season's tickets and at least 4 times the cost per game. I'm holding out hope my friends or family will offer to share games and possibly pony up for season's, but that's probably a long shot. I feel I'll be left out in the cold if we get the NHL with less hockey to watch and for purely selfish reasons I'm considering holding some kind of fundraiser for myself so I can purchase tickets...yes, that would be extremely selfish!
Hope the news is good on Tuesday! See you at Portage and Main!